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Accessing Online Library Resources

Log in to online library resources, create stable links to e-resources or embed resources directly into your Blackboard course shell!

Triton College OpenAthens and Blackboard

Many library databases allow instructors to embed articles, images, or graphs directly into their Blackboard shell. Using the database's embedded code will provide students with seamless access to library resources. 

The exact steps for embedding library resources can vary by vendor. However, the general instructions below will show you how to correctly embed various library resources in your Blackboard shell.

Embedding Library Resources in Blackboard

Library databases make it simple and easy to embed resources into your Blackboard shell.

1. Identify the article, video, image, or graph you want to embed in your Blackboard shell. Look for a "Share" or "Embed" link on the database toolbar (see CREDO example below).

 2. Copy and paste the embed code into your Blackboard shell. No additional steps are needed!

If you have any questions or issues when embedding code from library databases into your Blackboard shell, ask a librarian for help!