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Graphic Novels

Explore Triton Library's unique collection of graphic novels and pick out something FUN to read. Learn how to integrate graphic novels into your coursework as a student or instructor. The content on this guide was initially created Mary Grace Maloney.

Horror Nonfiction

Sometimes real life is scarier than fiction... check-out a few of these nonfiction titles are scary in content and subject matter.


Given the history of horror comics in the United States and remembering how they were demonized and banned as a result of the Comics Code, we think it is essential to nurture a horror graphic novel collection at Triton. Also, the recent success of vampire young adult novels and zombie TV/films, remind us there is a real thirst for scary stories. We hope you enjoy a few of our favorites:

Horror Series

Detective and Crime

Like horror comics, detective and crime comics were also demonized by the Comics Code. However, unlike horror, detective and crime has not made a popular comeback YET within the comic book and graphic novel world... Here's a few detective and crime graphic novels from our collection: