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Low Cost/No Cost Textbook Alternatives

An introduction to Low Cost/No Cost Textbook alternatives for faculty members who are interested in incorporating these resources into teaching and learning.

Annual Copyright License

This year Triton purchased this license that enables everyone at Triton to reproduce and distribute copyrighted content, in both print and digital form, across campus with the confidence that sharing is being done in compliance with copyright laws and guidelines. This does not guarantee that everything is covered, faculty must still request that librarians check to see if a work is covered by the license.

The faculty or staff making the request must either own or have access to the title they are requesting. This access could be through their department, the library, or ILL.


This license provides faculty, librarians and research and administrative staff with comprehensive, institution-wide coverage for the reuse of text-based copyrighted content in both print and electronic formats for educational and research purposes.


Some common uses covered by the license include: 


  • Coursepacks (print and electronic) 
  • Classroom handouts 
  • Library reserves (print and electronic) 
  • Internal e-mail 
  • Electronic course content (i.e., intranet and course management system postings) 
  • Research collaboration 
  • Administrative communications 

If you're interested in seeing if a specific title is included in the annual copyright  license, use the link below and fill out the form. A librarian will get back to you within 48 hours, letting you know whether the work is covered and if there are any restrictions.