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Maps and Geographic Information Systems

Basic information about Maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


How to Search

1. Go into your selected database and enter your search term. You will see your results below the search bars (circled in red). If you end up with only a handful of results try this: click on choose databases. Here you'll be able to pick and choose which databases you want to search in.


2. After clicking choose databases you will get a window pop up with all the databases available. If you want to maximize your results you can hit select all.

3. Now that all the databases are selected, click search. The results in the red circle are now higher. This is a good trick if your topic is very niche or you are unsure of where you should search. 

Selected Journal Titles available in Triton databases

The following journals are available through Triton databases and can be accessed from any Internet-connected computer by entering your Triton ID (the 17-digit number found on the bottom front of your student ID).

Online and Open Access Journals