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BYOB: Bring Your Own Book Club

We gather to talk about books we read, we like, dislike, or are puzzled by. We share our thoughts and recommendations, munch on cookies and just enjoy the time spent together conversing about books and ideas.

We love to read

“Good fiction’s job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” David Foster Wallace

Robert Neubecker

Starting with this month, we are adding the section WE LOVE TO LISTEN to the Guide.  This section will list podcasts and other audio resources which cultivate the art of conversation and which we enjoy listening to. It follows the WE LOVE TO READ section on this page.


American Royals / McGee, Katherine
Attached / Levine, Amir, and Rachel Heller
Because Internet / Mucculloch, Gretchen
Coddling of the American mind / Lukianoff, Greg and Jonathan Haidt
Cynical theories / Pluckrose, Helen and James Lindsay
Deep State / Hauty, Chris
Education of an idealist / Powers, Samantha
Last flight / Clark, Julie
Oz, the complete collection / Baum, L. Frank [plus Graphic Novels version]
Patron Saints of Nothing / Ribay, Randy
Strange death of Europe / Murray, Douglas
Telling room / Paterniti, Michael

In the Library