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Information about the Triton College Library Archives Holdings, Mission, and Policies. Currently maintained by Archivist and Reference Librarian, Leah Lestina.


The following terms are commonly used in relation to the collection of Archives here in Triton College's Library and elsewhere:

    In general, "accession" refers to adding something to a collection. We create "accession records" when new items are donated to the collection. It is important to complete accession records as close to the time the item was donated as possible. Accession records can also be thought of as inventory records. Filling out an accession record form is the first step towards adding an item to our collection. An accession record can help us determine where the item came from and its significance to the overall Archives collection.
    In preserving paper archives, copying important documents onto acid-free paper is essential. Acid-free paper does not break down and deteriorate as quickly as non-acid-free paper. Storing paper items in acid-free folders and photos in acid-free envelopes is also important.
    An item that is donated, transferred, obtained, or bought for a collection.  
    According to the mission statement for Triton's Archives (c. 2011) "archives" refers to the "historical records that document the growth and development of the institutional memory of the Triton College community." The Archives "record the achievements, values, history, and tradition of those who have contributed to the educational development of the surrounding community." Our collection includes reports, memos, photographs, press clippings, student newspapers, dissertations, annual reports, newsletters, scrapbooks, etc. 

    An "archivist" is a professional MLS or MLIS librarian who also holds a certificate in Archival and Cultural Heritage Resources and Services. They are responsible for managing archives' physical and intellectual collections. Triton College currently does not employ an archivist. 

    When we "process" an item in the Archives, we create an accession record. Then we "process" the item if it is paper by photocopying it onto acid-free paper, labeling an acid-free folder with the academic provenance and item name in pencil, and housing it in an acid-free folder. It is important to wear cotton gloves when handling ANY archival item, as the natural oils on our hands can accelerate deterioration and potentially damage the item permanently. Afterwards, we enter the item into the "Detailed Archives Inventory" Excel spreadsheet and finally, we put the item away safely in its new file cabinet or acid-free box home. It is at the discretion of the archivist, the Archives Liaison, and the Library Chairperson whether the original item needs to be kept in the folder with the acid-free copy. 

    To process a photo, first, we dust the photo with a magnetic wiping fabric, then we label an acid-free envelope to house the photo. It is OK to put more than one photo into envelopes as long as the photos are back-to-back, meaning the back of the photo only touches the back of the other photo. Then we enter the item into the "Detailed Archives Inventory" and house it in an existing or new folder, in the file cabinet or an acid-free box. Photos can be scanned for digital preservation, as well.   

    The origin of an item is its "provenance." In archives, "provenance" is a fundamental principle as it has everything to do with where an item originated, its context when grouped with similar items, or the "family" it belongs to. "Provenance" also has to do with respect and being proactive in identifying the intrinsic history of an item. In an academic archival collection such as ours, the items are organized by how the institution is organized. For example, the Board of Trustees is the family name or provenance for board meeting minutes, budgets, the Office of the President, and board publications such as budgets and annual reports. A separate provenance is the College of Arts and Sciences. Faculty Associations, Bulletins, individual Faculty member's papers, academic departments: Architecture, Behavior Science, Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Visual, Performing, and Communication Arts, Health, Sport, and Exercise Science are all housed in the broad College of Arts and Sciences. Review the highlighted headings in the "Detailed Archives Inventory" to see the different provenances established by the previous and current archivists. 

    Please note: Academic and non-academic departments often change year to year within an academic institution. It is important to revisit Triton's departmental Web page,, at least once a fiscal year to ensure that new acquisitions fit within the college's current structure.

    A place that houses institutional documents is a "repository." As such, Triton College's Archives is a repository. Digitally, specific hard drives on the archivist's PC, where scanned images and documents are saved, are also repositories. 

    Essentially, the slang librarian term "weeding" refers to removing items from a collection deemed no longer relevant according to the institution's collection development policy. In Archives, the common practice is to "weed" duplicate items in an effort to free physical space for future acquisitions.